
Aquamanile in the form of a lion

Meester Bernhuser (attributed to), c. 1375 - c. 1400

On display in room 0.2

Target gun used by the Guild of…

Jacobus Jaspers (attributed to), 1675 - 1699

On display in room 0.12

Kraantjeskan in de vorm van een…

Jesaias Engouw, 1720

On display in room 1.1


Wernand Droogbrood, 1710 - 1715

On display in room 0.12

Achterlaadgeweer met lade en…

Jan Flock, c. 1665 - c. 1775

On display in room 0.12

Sauskom met het gekroonde…

Bernt Wolffsen (attributed to), 1718 - 1719

On display in room 1.1


François van Stapele, 1748 - 1749


Jan van Wijk (?-1729), c. 1705

On display in room 0.12

Rapier of Michiel de Ruyter

anonymous, c. 1675

On display in room 0.12