
Regents of the…

Cornelis Troost, 1729, painting, SK-C-87

Regents of the…

Cornelis Troost, 1729, painting, SK-C-411

Regents and Regentesses of the…

Jan Adam Kruseman, 1834 - 1835, painting, SK-C-1123

The Four Chief Commissioners of the…

Wybrand Hendriks, 1791 - 1795, painting, SK-C-422

The Regents of the Spinhuis and…

Karel du Jardin, 1669, painting, SK-C-4

Six Regents and the Beadle of the…

Ferdinand Bol, 1657, painting, SK-C-436

Portrait of the Regents of the…

Jacob Adriaensz Backer, c. 1650, painting, SK-C-442

Four Regents and the ‘House Father’…

Werner van den Valckert, 1624, painting, SK-C-417

Six Regents and the Housemaster of…

Pieter van Anraedt, 1675, painting, SK-C-440

Zitting van regenten, 1750

Pieter Louw, 1750, drawing, RP-T-00-2054