

Andrea del Verrocchio, 1468 - 1469, candlestick, BK-16933

On display in room 0.5

Target gun used by the Guild of…

Jacobus Jaspers (attributed to), 1675 - 1699, NG-2002-23-14

On display in room 0.12

Bril met montuur van ijzer met…

anonymous, c. 1700 - c. 1800, BK-NM-10251-A

Model of an Anchor

Grofsmederij Leiden, 1845, instruction model, NG-MC-617


anonymous, c. 1600 - c. 1699, NG-NM-3539

On display in room 0.12


anonymous, 1575 - 1593, anchor, NG-NM-890

On display in room 0.13

Bril van ijzer, met ronde,…

anonymous, c. 1800 - c. 1850, BK-NM-10251-B

Measuring Rod

anonymous, anonymous, 1750 - 1825, measuring instrument, NG-MC-1889-19

Gauge for Priming Tubes

anonymous, 1847, mould, NG-MC-1054-B