
Seated Cupid

Étienne-Maurice Falconet, 1757, sculpture, BK-1963-101

This famous statue already had many nicknames in the 18th century. Perhaps the best known is l’amour menaçant - menacing love. The menace is mainly in the love god’s expression, while his gesture makes us complicit, through silence. The statue was carved for Madame de Pompadour, mistress of Louis XV…

On display in room 1.9

Jonge vrouw leest een brief

Louis Bernard Coclers, 1780, print, RP-P-1883-A-7123

Landschap met drukke landweg

Antoine Alexandre Joseph Cardon, after Peter Paul Rubens, c. 1759 - c. 1770, print, RP-P-1910-6916

Terras in de tuin van Huis ter Meer…

Hendrik de Leth, c. 1740, print, RP-P-1899-A-21521

Portret van Jacob Campo Weyerman

Jacob Houbraken, after Cornelis Troost, 1724 - 1747, print, RP-P-1952-369

Portret van Alexander de Muncq op…

Pieter van Gunst, after Philip van Dijk, 1710, print, RP-P-OB-55.694

Portret van Joannes Deknatel

Jacob Houbraken, after Cornelis van Noorde, 1760 - 1762, print, RP-P-OB-48.686

Allegorische voorstelling met…

Pieter Franciscus Martenasie, after Nicholas Blakey, 1739 - 1789, print, RP-P-1907-2390

Maria met kind

Jacob Folkema, after Nicolas Pitau (II), 1707, print, RP-P-1886-A-10423

Putto lauwert een krijgsheer

Simon Fokke, 1722 - 1784, print, RP-P-1911-2990