
Ship Compass

Bramah & Sons, c. 1825 - c. 1829, NG-MC-875

Model of a Salt-Water Distiller

Adriaan Rosel, 1866 - 1867, scale model, NG-MC-1218

Rotating Vane

I. Thyssen, c. 1860, rotating vane, NG-MC-1011-3

Log with Two Rotating Vanes

I. Thyssen, c. 1860, rotating vane, NG-MC-1011

Gauge for Priming Tubes

Marine Stoomvaartdienst, 1860, test model, NG-MC-1082

Repeating Swivel Gun

James Chambers (possibly), James Haslett, c. 1812 - c. 1815, demonstration model, NG-MC-791

On display in room 0.13

Powder Chest

Enthoven & Co. (possibly), 1866, chest, NG-MC-1222

Model of a Life Buoy

anonymous, 1870 - 1885, scale model, NG-MC-1389

Aneroid Barometer

Eugène Bourdon, c. 1860, barometer, NG-MC-1063

On display in room 0.13

Model of a Windsail

anonymous, c. 1850 - c. 1870, demonstration model, NG-MC-1231