
Album beruhmter Deckhengste

H. Schnaebeli, 1894 - 1915, book, RP-F-F01193

Album des Tapisseries de l'Eglise…

Hippolyte Malègue, 1873, book, RP-F-F01192

Album met fotoreproducties van…

Franz Hanfstaengl, after Arthur Georg von Ramberg, 1871 - 1872, book, RP-F-F01218

Sunshine in the Country. A Book of…

William Morris Grundy, Richard Griffin and Company, 1861, book, RP-F-2004-287

Exhibition of the works of industry…

Spicer Brothers, 1851, book, RP-F-F25213

Fabriek van natuurkundige…

erven F. Bohn, 1867, book, RP-F-1997-68

Exhibition of the works of industry…

Spicer Brothers, 1851, book, RP-F-F25212

Fonderia Artistica Michieli e Comp.

anonymous, anonymous, 1860 - 1900, book, RP-F-F01217

The inauguration of the Albert…

R. Clark, 1867, book, RP-F-2001-7-210

The bridal souvenir

Samuel Stanesby, 1858, book, RP-F-2001-7-172