
The Holy Kinship

Geertgen tot Sint Jans (workshop of), c. 1495, painting, SK-A-500

Christ’s family is gathered together in this fictional medieval church: the Holy Family, known in Dutch as the holy ‘maagschap’, an old word for kinship. Left, in a blue robe, the Virgin Mary is seated with Jesus, and alongside, her mother Anna. Behind are the two husbands: Joseph and Joachim.…

On display in room 0.1

Portraits of Giuliano and Francesco…

Piero di Cosimo, 1482 - 1485, painting, SK-C-1368

This diptych shows a leading Florentine architect, Giuliano da Sangallo with his late father Francesco, also an architect and a musician. These are early examples of portraits in which the subject’s profession plays a key role. Here a pen and dividers suggest architecture, a melody in note form…

On display in room 0.5

Mary Magdalene

Carlo Crivelli, c. 1480, painting, SK-A-3989

On display in room 0.2

Portrait of Philip the Good, Duke…

anonymous, c. 1460 - c. 1480, painting, SK-A-3835

Baptism of Christ

anonymous, 1500 - 1549, painting, SK-A-2801

Saint Sebastian

Meester E.S. (circle of), c. 1460, painting, SK-A-3311

Saint Damian (or Cosmas)

Bartolommeo Vivarini (attributed to), 1465 - 1480, painting, SK-A-4012

Portrait of a Woman

Giovanni Bellini (circle of), 1450 - 1470, painting, SK-A-3993

Virgin and Child

anonymous, 1430 - 1460, painting, SK-A-3375

Frame depicting the Annunciation,…

Giovanni di Francesco del Cervelliera (circle of), 1450 - 1460, painting, SK-A-4022