
Dish Relief

Jan Schoonhoven, 1963, relief (sculpture), SK-A-5007

Although by the 1960s, artist Jan J. Schoonhoven was celebrated worldwide, he continued to work full-time for the Dutch Post Office (PTT). At first he used to make his characteristic white reliefs of squares and rectangles at night, on the kitchen table. Occasionally he tried other shapes. He showed…

On display in room 3.4

Portret van Jetje de Neufville

anonymous, 1855 - 1870, photograph, RP-F-1999-7

Portret van een onbekende vrouw in…

W.G. Kuijer & Zonen, 1880 - 1906, photograph, RP-F-F17352

Portret van een onbekend kind met…

Franz Wilhelm Heinrich Deutmann (possibly), 1880 - 1906, photograph, RP-F-F17316

Blad met ranken met bloemen en…

anonymous, 1700 - 1750, brocade paper, RP-D-00-306

Blad met ranken met bloemen,…

anonymous, 1700 - 1750, brocade paper, RP-D-00-305

Blad met ranken in krullen…

anonymous, 1700 - 1750, brocade paper, RP-D-00-308

Blad met ranken in krullen…

anonymous, 1700 - 1750, brocade paper, RP-D-00-307

Landscape with Trees and a Ruin

Anthonie Jansz. van der Croos, c. 1650 - c. 1655, drawing, RP-T-1980-2

Fotoalbum met 30 foto's,…

anonymous, diverse vervaardigers, 1880 - 1940, RP-F-F00662