
Album met ontwerpen voor ornamenten

Honoré Blanc, Jean Bernard Honoré Turreau, 1682 - 1745, RP-P-2001-667

Notice sur la photolithographie /…

Simonau & Toovey, 1873, book, RP-F-2001-7-1229

Album of the Japan-China war 1

Hakubundo, 1896, book, RP-F-2001-7-1637A

Album of the Japan-China War 2

Hakubundo, 1896, book, RP-F-2001-7-1637B

Album met ornamentprenten naar…

Gabriel Huquier, Gilles Marie Oppenort, c. 1725 - c. 1750, RP-P-1965-278A

Memoirs of William West Medwin,…

William West Medwin, 1882, book, RP-F-2001-7-275

The Christian year. Thoughts in…

John Keble, 1873, book, RP-F-2001-7-4

The Christian year. Thoughts in…

John Keble, 1870, book, RP-F-2001-7-2

Le ciel

diverse vervaardigers, 1877, book, RP-F-2001-7-498

Études paléoethnologiques ou…

Ernest Chantre, 1867, book, RP-F-2001-7-429