
Model of Two Congreve Rockets with…

anonymous, c. 1810 - c. 1840, scale model, NG-MC-1029-1

Model of a 20-cm Mortar on a Pivot

Rijkswerf Rotterdam, c. 1834, demonstration model, NG-MC-1372

Model of a Ventilator

anonymous, 1800 - 1850, demonstration model, NG-MC-568

Model of a Rudder to Fit in a…

anonymous, c. 1800 - c. 1840, demonstration model, NG-MC-216

Model of a 24-Pounder…

anonymous, 1829, demonstration model, NG-MC-783

Model of an Artificial Reef

's Lands Werf Amsterdam, 1800, demonstration model, NG-MC-807

Model of a Paddle Wheel

Rijkswerf Rotterdam, 1834, demonstration model, NG-MC-538

Model of a Three-Masted Ship

anonymous, c. 1780, ship model, NG-MC-655

Model of a Pile Driver in Loose…

anonymous, c. 1800, demonstration model, NG-MC-44

Model of a Chain Stopper

anonymous, c. 1833, demonstration model, NG-MC-620