
Fragment of a doorpost

anonymous, 200 - 300, sculpture, AK-MAK-1186

On display in Asian pavilion, room 1

Hoofd van een godheid

anonymous, 1175 - 1250, sculpture, AK-MAK-1173

Head of a deity with four faces

anonymous, c. 1175 - c. 1250, sculpture, AK-MAK-227

On display in Asian pavilion, room 1

Fragment of a doorpost

anonymous, c. 200 - c. 300, sculpture, AK-MAK-1187

On display in Asian pavilion, room 1

Female nature spirit

anonymous, c. 100 - c. 200, sculpture, AK-MAK-303

On display in Asian pavilion, room 1

Hand Visnu-figuur

anonymous, 1000 - 1100, sculpture, AK-MAK-222


anonymous, 200 - 300, sculpture, AK-MAK-181

Kopie van een hoofd van Boeddha…

anonymous, c. 1925 - c. 1970, sculpture, AK-MAK-1222

Fragment beeldhouwwerk

anonymous, 800 - 1000, sculpture, AK-MAK-182