
Saucer with a bouquet and flower…

Kaiserliche Porzellanmanufaktur, 1809, service (set), BK-1956-63-34

Doos with bouquets and flower…

Kaiserliche Porzellanmanufaktur, c. 1805, service (set), BK-1956-63-13

Saucer with a bouquet and flower…

Kaiserliche Porzellanmanufaktur, 1830, service (set), BK-1956-63-36

Saucer with a bouquet and flower…

Kaiserliche Porzellanmanufaktur, 1818, service (set), BK-1956-63-40

Cup with a bouquet and flower…

Kaiserliche Porzellanmanufaktur, 1831, service (set), BK-1956-63-24

Saucer with a bouquet and flower…

Kaiserliche Porzellanmanufaktur, 1808, service (set), BK-1956-63-38