
Model of a Mast Cap

anonymous, c. 1780 - c. 1840, demonstration model, NG-MC-178

Model of a Hospital Launch

Rijkswerf Willemsoord, 1877, ship model, NG-MC-1889-63

Model of a Carriage for a…

anonymous, 1856, demonstration model, NG-MC-756

Model of an Anchor Release

Rijkswerf Amsterdam, 1836, demonstration model, NG-MC-632

Model of a Section of an Armoured…

Rijkswerf Vlissingen, 1864, demonstration model, NG-MC-1150

Model of a 20-cm Shell Gun on Slide…

anonymous, c. 1854, demonstration model, NG-MC-789

Model of a 30-pounder carronade in…

Rijkswerf Vlissingen, 1838, gunmodel, NG-MC-796

On display in room 0.13

Model of a Caisson

anonymous, anonymous, after Antoine Groignard, c. 1800, demonstration model, NG-MC-5

Model of a 44-Gun Frigate at a…

Cornelis over de Linden, 1837 - 1842, scale model, NG-MC-30

Model of an Optical Telegraph

anonymous, anonymous, 1795 - 1816, demonstration model, NG-MC-813