
Degen van Jhr. J.M. de Bosch Kemper

anonymous, c. 1810, sword, NG-NM-13218

Four knives and a fork belonging to…

anonymous, 1532, BK-NM-565

On display in room 0.4

Sample of Telegraph Cable

anonymous, 1865 - 1875, telegraph cable, NG-MC-1262

Lans van het wapenrek van…

anonymous, c. 1800 - c. 1900, pike, NG-BR-554-A

Four knives and a fork belonging to…

anonymous, 1532, BK-NM-566

On display in room 0.4


anonymous, c. 1800 - c. 1900, sword, NG-NM-9310-431

Hangslot met koper gemonteerd, en…

anonymous, c. 1525 - c. 1575, lock, BK-NM-9131

On display in room 0.7

Four knives and a fork belonging to…

anonymous, 1532, BK-NM-562

On display in room 0.4


anonymous, c. 1400 - c. 1950, sword, NG-NM-10385-40


anonymous, 1600 - 1699, Halberd, NG-KOG-942

On display in room 0.12